The Epic of the Bop
“Da mihi sis cerevisiam dilutam” -Don Bop
Hither and thither thine Bop doth now trot
From here to there he need not be sought
He bip and he bops and he bops and he bips
He is but a boy, trapped on a skiff
Wherever he goes people look and they stair
Alas, who can blame them for he hard to bear
Thine self cannot dream of a more fucked up guy
Whom goes to the bar and says nay, I won’t buy
Bop needs not food, not water nor wine
All he doth need is Miller Lite and Moonshine
Although Miller Lite affects him not
Take two shots of whiskey and that fuckers’ shot
He owes many a cheesesteak to a whole gleeful bunch
But he shan’t give them up without a stiff punch
He drinks 7up as though it was gold
That douche bag knows not that his stuff we doth sold
He yells “Those Assholes!” when people fuck in his bed
He cannot even dream of the shit we have said
One looks to the fridge to enjoy some cold beers
But with earnest disparagement we were brought to tears
That thieving Don Bop had his way with our drinks
Tis all but ok because we’ll drown him on our sink
“You must walk like a Boss” I once heard him say
One needs a large stick to keep him at bay
He plays Call of Duty through the day
If he had but a life, I’d think he’s not gay
He wears a fly ass track suit among other things
And he blopps and he blapps and he blerps and he blings
Of all Bops possessions he wants not a phony
But please god make sure everything’s a Sony
He has rich parents, which goes without saying
Which beach house to stay at, oh no, I’m not playing
Although he loves those elevated trains
His naps under them are in themselves just the same
His great great great great great great great great great great great grandparents came off a boat
But this fucker speaks like hes trying to gloat
There may be an ounce of Italian in he
The thought of him getting punched gives me glee
Disrespecting families is what hes good at
One may only hope that his face meets a bat
And thus our tale doth come to a close. What need to be said is thusly enclosed. Although the tale of Bop just may be ending, I bequeath to you to keep this tale sending. With all strict dueness, I ask this of you, forget not the tale of Don Bop the Jew. With all of my heart, my feelings, my soul, I’ve heard not a tale as epic as thus told. Alas, fair reader I can rhyme no longer, my break is near up and I my times now asunder. Although tooling on Bop brings us feelings of joy, forget not that we once lived with that criox. Our time is at and end and although it was fun, I must now admit that alas, I am done.
- J. Robert Sweeney IV
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